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Really enjoyed that one! I totally forgot to check out the page before reading it, so the entire story caught me by surprise :D 

Diarmuid is such a sweet guy. 

Lovely characters and story, we really felt like we were on a fantasy quest, nice job!

I forgot to do this weeks ago but here is the Superlative Voting Form for anyone that is interested:

Superlative Voting ends when the Jam Voting Ends.

I like the fantasy setting and the main cast has a lot of personality, even though they swear A LOT. The way the characters interact and deal with magic is pretty cool, and you cram a lot of lore in the short story. I do wish it was longer, though, as the world is genuinely intriguing. Needs some polish with the missing assets and the abrupt ending, but has lots of great things going for it overall.

Hope to see you submit again next year!

(5 edits)

Fifth entry I will read. Let's read and rate this! 

Oh, you took part of last year's May Wolf. Interesting.

Edit: I can't believe we both wrote emigration-themed visual novels for May Wolf 2024.

Ok. I have just finished reading this VN. Let's share my thoughts.

The vn is full of references to Irish culture and Gaelic mythology, which shows in a wide range of forms, from slang words to the characters' names. The idea of turning the concept of expansion into expansion of horizons to a new world was a creative way to use the theme and introduce pseudo-isekai in the vn. Sometimes it feels like a parody of epic fantasy media, yet the vn has its sort of serious moments too.

A traditional epic fantasy piece of media with a touch of genre-conscious satire.

Thank you for the experience!